id please


The first i think is some type of GSP or axiena. The second is a mushroom i think. That's just my opion!!


Active Member
the second cant be a type of mushroom because it is very hard. the body is sumwhat of a cylinder shape and the tip has little ridges.


I think the second one may be some type of anemone. Has it opened up for you? I had an orange one on a piece of LR, it wasn't much bigger in diameter than a pencil eraser. It was fixed to the LR, not mobile, very hard unless it opened up, and it looked a bit like a bright orange aptasia.


Active Member

Originally posted by adhoc
I think the second one may be some type of anemone. Has it opened up for you? I had an orange one on a piece of LR, it wasn't much bigger in diameter than a pencil eraser. It was fixed to the LR, not mobile, very hard unless it opened up, and it looked a bit like a bright orange aptasia.

interesting, it hasnt opened up at all but i can see its mouth so i do know its alive. Ill be sure 2 observe it closely. Thanx 4 all the help


Active Member

Originally posted by adhoc
I think the second one may be some type of anemone. Has it opened up for you? I had an orange one on a piece of LR, it wasn't much bigger in diameter than a pencil eraser. It was fixed to the LR, not mobile, very hard unless it opened up, and it looked a bit like a bright orange aptasia.

That sounds like a zoo or button polyp to me.


Active Member
i was thinkin it was sum type of coral because it is VERY hard...i fed it a piece of shrimp n it seemed 2 eat it...hopefully i find out wat it is.