ID please


anyone know what it is?
ive seen it at the lfs for a very cheap price, but before adding it to the tank, id like to know what it is and what are its requirements.


That looks like a Frilly aka Slimey Sponge. They're awesome to have in a tank, it brings out so much color.
You don't have to do much, just put in your tank and place him in the substrate or in your LR. MAKE SURE the sponge NEVER hits open air. In other words, you take the bag he's in, fully submerge it, and then open it up and set him in. Usually it's a big no no to let any water from the bag to enter your tank but this is an exception.
Feeding? It doesn't need much, it filter feeds. You may want to consider adding a regular dose of Phytoplankton (the refridgerated kind, not the shelf stuff) once a week/bi-weekly. Also, try not to leave your light on too much, you don't want algae growing on the sponge.


thanks so much! it's become a favorite because it seems to garner the attention of my family. the ONLY thing in the aquarium, in fact, that did so.
however, i cant seem to find any information about this.. frilly.. or slimy sponge.
what do i do if it already did get out of the water? i was surprised when the lfs picked it out of the water and put it in a newspaper.


Air will get trapped in the 'pore pockets' and those particulars sections would likely 'die' and not be able to absorb food.
Tell me your local fish store isn't *****.
IF your sponge starts to turn white, it's not a good sign. Sponges are NEVER supposed to hit air. You may have gotten lucky. When he put it newspaper, did he just put it in a bag or did the bag have water? I know some things are transported in wet newspaper because that's pretty much all the moisture it needs. BUT sponges are only to be transported in a bag full of water (no air pocktets, not even in the bag). If your sponge dies or starts to do poorly, I would seriously demand a refund and reem the stupid employee who pulled it from the tank.
BTW, this sponge is known by so many names, I'll have to find the most popular and scientific names for you.


I found a site that sells it as a Breadcrumb Sponge (Halichondria joponica). I guess it's also known as the Elephant Ear Sponge.


Here's the description:
The Breadcrumb Sponge may also be called the Elephant Ear Sponge. This Sponge and other members of its genus are usually red, orange, or yellow. It has a trunk-like base and many perforations, and may be found in multiple shapes.
It needs a moderate to strong water current near its location, but be careful to place the sponge slightly out of the path so that it only receives an indirect current. The lighting should be low, and the water quality will need to be kept within pristine parameters.
All Acanthella sponges require very special care to survive in the home aquarium. The most critical concern is that the Acanthella Sponge should never be exposed to the air. If it is, the air becomes trapped in the matrix of channels that line the inside of its body. With air blocking the path for planktonic food to reach its cells, it will die.

The Breadcrumb Sponge is a filter feeder and will require daily feedings of plankton substitutes and dissolved organic foods.


uhm.. nope it's not *****.
im from the Philippines.. most pet shops here are no good.
another example of civil negligence.. i hope im lucky that it survives. really really hard finding colorful corals in here.
you will find them for me? thanks so much! my internet's kinda slow, so i cant browse the net with ease..
thanks again! :)