id please


ok well i bought some real nice button polyps from the LFS and im looking at one of the polyps and it has like a black looking cucumber on it and it has black pimples.....i dont know if its a cucumber but when i squeezed it like white spores came out.not the white string like a cucumber


its a nudibranch, and dont squesse them, are you crazy? slugs and cucs bpth release toxins into the water when dead or stressed(squezzed)


Active Member
Impossible to know without a picture but in general the "squeezing" technique would be an very poor choice, for the future. Many animals, as noted, secrete toxins when stressed and that would most certainly be a stress. At the very least carefully remove it and place it in a container of water for a photo. Squeezing is may even kill a desirable animal.


Active Member
Is it still alive? Can you get a picture? If nothing has died yet, it probably isn't toxic enough to cause trouble. Just in the future, I would avoid the tendancy, however fun it may seem, to squeeze it :)