ID please


got 4 things on a lr im not sure of, i think one is an emerald crab, the other a bubble tip Anenome, and a baby featherduster. the third is a small purple thing with light purple things that look like spirals.


Active Member
Yes, that's a bubble tip, but very very bleached. Still the best hitch-hiker I've seen. What kind of lights do you have? With lots of luck, good lights, and lots of feedings you may be able to save the anemone. Feed it 2-4 times weekly with meaty foods like mysis or krill.


i have a 24" actinic and a 24" 18k on my eclipse hood. do you have any idea about the purple thing? it is probably a bit inder a quarter inch long ot maybe just over an eighth.
Is squid and brine shrimp ok to feed it too? its about an inch in diameter and an inch high. what makes it bleached? its actually my first piece of LR, ive had the tank running for about 5 weeks now and want to slowly add Lr, i thought this piece with the anenome would be a good start, there was more hitchhikers than the anenome, as i soon found out.


Active Member
Are those normal output lights or PC lights? Either way, IMO that isn't enough light for the anemone. Do you have a friend who has better lights that you can give it to? A LFS may take it also. Or if you want to drive up 6-7 hours to the San Francisco Bay Area I can take it off your hands and give you a coral in return. :D
Sorry, I have no idea about the purple thing.


Active Member
The squid is ok for food, but the brine doesn't have much nutritional value.
Bleaching occurs when the anemone looses all its zooxanthelae. The zooxanthelae take light and convert it to energy for the anemone. So without it the anemone is basically starving. Also, the zooxanthelae is brown color, so loss of it would result in a white anemone such as the one you have. After some time and good lights it will regrow the zooxanthelae.


HMM...considering i get about 10-12 MPG, sorry viper lol. the brine is vitamin enriched. and as far as lighting, to my surprise, as soon as i put the BTA in the tank, i watched it crawl to the bottom of the live rock and its facing down now, i dont know if i should flip the rock or leave it as it is. I dont have any friends with better lighting, do you suggest keeping it for a week or so to see any improvements? what is the cheapest option of higher power lighting, and keep in mind, i have the eclipse hood so i cannot just put a vho unit or something hanging above the tank without replacing the whole hood, which means new filter and bye bye bio wheel. Argh, this hobby is such a money pit!


ViPeR, i am planning on converting my eclipse hood to the coralife 130w Pc Retrofit kit soon, will 130w be sufficient for a 29 gallon tank for anenomes and corals? it is approx 4.5 watts per gallon.