ID Please


Hi people,
Can you please ID this fish and tell me what to feed it.
I when to the beach and caught it :) but don't know what to feed it :(
Help plz :(



Ostracion cubicus:
Maintenance difficulty:
The Polka-dot Boxfish, Yellow Boxfish, or Blue-spotted Boxfish is easy to keep. Boxfish are not challenging if you feed young specimens several times a day. Start with brine shrimp.
Feed all kinds of live, frozen, and flake foods. The boxfish also eats greenstuffs. Best to feed small amounts several times a day. We generally feed squid, shrimp (the same kind people eat), mussels, and all kinds of chopped up fish. A good vegetable formula like Formula II is also beneficial. Live fish will also be taken but should not be fed exclusively.
Habitat: Natural geographic location:
Polka-dot Boxfish, Yellow Boxfish, or Blue-spotted Boxfish are found in the Indo-Pacific.
All kinds of meaty foods and greenstuffs. A bottom feeder.
Social Behaviors:
Apparently this fish is sometimes aggressive and sometimes not. Keep an eye on newcomers with an established boxfish and any new boxfish that are added to the aquarium.
Light: Recommended light levels:
No special requirements.
No special requirements. Normal temperatures for marine fish is between 74 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Length/Diameter of fish:
Polka-dot Boxfish, Yellow Boxfish, or Blue-spotted Boxfish adults can grow to 45.0 cm (18 inches).
Minimum Tank Length/Size:
A minimum 100 gallon aquarium is recommended.
Water Movement: Weak, Moderate, Strong
No special requirements.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom
No special requirements.


Originally Posted by exile415
I heard if it dies, he would poison the tank.
That is a possibility


Thanks for the replies.
This fish is cute and I love it, but I did some research on it and what exile said is true, "If one kept as a pet should die, or even if is severely stressed, it will release toxins into the water which could quickly wipe out the entire tank population."
Should I release it in the ocean? :( Better not to take the risk of keeping it as it :( What do you think? What would you do if it was you who had the box fish?
Waiting to hear from you.


New Member
I would just take it to a good store and let them sell it to someone else. They will know how to take care of them and know a good person to sell it to...
That would be my take on it..


Active Member
Well, we have people who aren't just in the US. BUt I too would be interested in where it was caught.
IMO, no...if this has been in a tank with other fish that have been through an LFS, then it should not be released back into the ocean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Krisiks
Hi people,
Can you please ID this fish and tell me what to feed it.
I when to the beach and caught it :) but don't know what to feed it :(
Help plz :(

It of course has already been identified for you.
LOVED mine!! Unfortunately he passed away. I called him beedeebeet because that looks like what he would say if he could talk!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
That is a possibility
We were told the same thing from the LPS but when mine died (i never found the body) nothing happened to my tank??? So??????


I am not in the U.S, I am on an island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. I live next to the sea and can find all sort of fish and corals everywhere, thats because only a few people (Most of them are fisherman) know this place. That is also why I am actually starting a saltwater tank, but doing worry as I am using the synthetic salt instead of using the seawater directly from the sea.
Ok, I think I will just keep the fish, like keleighr said "nothing happened to my tank??? So??????", I will take the risk because this boxfish is so cute :)
By the way, is it compatible with clown fish? Because clowns will be my main fish in the tank, this is what I am planning to put in my tank as soon as I finish cycling it.


Active Member
just an FYI i hope you have a really big tank.
They can grow to be 18 inches long. Yep that is a foot and a half!!!!
My friend also had theirs die and nothing happened to their tank wither. I am wondering if it releases venom if it it feels threatend?? (sp)
So my so????? was more like a we may have gotten lucky!!!!
I did really love mine and it was in with two perc. clowns.
I think both of ours died because we both did the too many new fish at one time de
Since i have learned more i would love to get another one but only if i get a really big tank!
Trying to convince the hunny that we can sell the 2 and get the 300!!
WISH me luck!