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I dont have a pic of it but i noticed it comin off theback of my bubble coral..
at first i thought it was a mushroom but when i picked the coral up it shrivled up faster then iv ever seen a mushroom shrivel up
Its red, looked like a flower petal... didnt seem to have a mouth like mush room typically would and it was kinda transparent... I dont have any red mushrooms in my tank.


Active Member
Some of my small mushrooms shrivel instantly if I touch them. It could very easily be a hitchhiker shroom or maybe a flatworm?


i first noticed it with all the lights on.. dont worms usually come out after dark?
I guess it could be a hitch hiker mushroom.... ill have to cut him off the coral soon..
the bubble has seen better days i let the alk and calcium drop low and the skelton in the center of the coral is exposed... i have've had the alk and cal back up over a week and it still looks like crap


Active Member
Bubble corals can be tough. I had a pearl bubble that waned for no reason that I could ever fathom...