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vac man

I have a three year old flower pot. I feed it marine snow once a week just with my regular tank feeding. And two or three times a month i use a plastic jug and spot feed it oyster eggs. Dont know much it was the only coral i had besides one brain for a long time. Bought it from a guy taking down his tank. DId a little reading and three years later still here. I tried a reef chili but it browned. I think it likes the snow and the eggs. PS. i keep my snow in fridge. I let it warm to room then put through pump end of the sump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It's not a plant, it's a reef building animal that probably shouldn't be removed from the wild.



I have one too... for about 8 months now. It's doing very well. Just keep an eye on your water quality and make sure it has good light. Every once in a while send some brine down to it. It's fun to watch it grab them and retract with their fresh catch.