id please


New Member
i got this guy as a hitchhiker on a rock with my xenia, just wondering what it is exactly. i think its just some typical green polyp, but im not sure. thanks


We can't post links but here is what another site had to say on the subject:
Anemonia majano

These are the prettier of the two common pest anemones. I have seen specimens in green, red, and even a striking yellow. They are somewhat less of a nuisance than Aiptasia, partially because they are somewhat attractive, but primarily because they are not nearly as prolific. They can be easily distinguished from Aiptasia because they have bulbous tips on the ends of their tentacles. Unfortunately, like Aiptasia, they have a potent sting and can become a danger to the other sessile invertebrates in the aquarium. Anemonia are Indo-Pacific in origin.
It said to use Joe's Juice or Kalkwasser/Calcium Hydroxide to get rid of it. Kalkwasser is cheaper and Joe's Juice is basically Calcium Hydroxide and some Boric acid anyway.


Active Member
You don't have to kill it if you like it. I had one for about 6 months and it only split once. However, I did eventually get rid of it because it became mobile.


Well I thought they were little(harmless)anenomes, saw them for sale on the big auction site as "Tulip Anenomes". I got 4 of them as hitchhikers(bonus,yea right), now have 8. Notice them multiplying over last 4 months or so, not as quickly as Apitasias though. Guess its time to go in "Eradication Mode" if they're going to sting my corals, though hadn't seen that "yet". Stayed on one rock for along time, just started to spread this month to other places, back glass and base of my toadstool, hadn't seen it stress over it though. Reminds me of the member that saw a LFS selling Aiptasias.