Id please


Sorry, will have to post photo tomorrow if needed. Here's my question. I have a reef tank and in one of the rocks that has a leather coral on it there is something I can't figure out going on. It looks like a the butt end of a snail comes out of the rock, but never all of the way. Just enough to shoot some very sticky slime stuff. It waits until the slime catches food and then retracts the slime. If I touch it with something, the whole thing retracts. But there isn't much to see. Like I said, it just looks like the back end of a snail sticking out. Anyhow, I've looked everywhere, can't find anything even close. Of course, I'm having a hard time just trying to describe it. Any ideas you all could come up with would be great. Thanks


Sounds like maybe Vermetid Snails: These are another common filter feeder found in many tanks. They are actually a sessile snail. They grow in dark red and brown spirals and tubes, usually on live rock. They vary from a few millimeters to ½ an inch or more in length. Some cast out small mucus nets in order to capture food. While they are harmless, the mucus nets can sometimes be an eyesore.


Thanks so much. If I may ask another question...would you clean up the mess they make occasionally or leave it be? It seems to irritate my sebae anemone. I guess to answer my own question, if it really does irritate the anemone, it would move itself elsewhere, right?


They don't hurt anything. they just look messy I crush there shell or shoot hot water on them with a turkey baster.


It is messy looking. They lil guy never put his web junk out while I am looking. I can turn my back for 5 seconds and then it is all over. I use some old air tubing and a 60cc syringe to clean debris and gunk off of my rocks all of the time. I think I will try the hot water thing. Or if I get really bored, I misht try to break that part off and stick it in my husbands tank instead. Thanks!