ID please


zanoshanox said:
well he's in my 65 i don't really consider that a nano...
Sorry, I must have had another thread in my mind when I wrote that, I thought the tank was listed in the 20s.


Active Member
Nope, but thats for all fo the replies and info guys. I'm glad to hear its a garden eel...anybody know anything about them? What the eat? Requirements? etc


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Nope, but thats for all fo the replies and info guys. I'm glad to hear its a garden eel...anybody know anything about them? What the eat? Requirements? etc
Not to be rude, but why buy something when you have no idea what it is, what it eats, it's environmental requirements, etc?
What you've got is a notoriously hard to keep fish, which requires a very deep sand bed, high flow and is also a communal animal, meaning you need more than one for them to do well.


Active Member
because i didnt know if i'd have an opportunity to pick up another one? And the conditions in my tank are far healthies for it than the tank it was in at the shop...


Active Member
Neither are valid excuses. It's most likely not going to thrive, in your tank, so what good have you done, for it?
So, what if you weren't able to get another one? You didn't even know what it was or how to take care of it.
The "I had to save it/the tank it was in was too small" excuse is one of the worst. You bought it, so that gives the LFS owner the idea that there's a demand for them. Guess what he's gonna do?...try to order more. Then, all of those will be in the exact same conditions.
Please, please don't think I'm picking on you or calling you out...I'm really not. This is just a good topic to bring this up in, because it happens all too often.


Active Member
Actually i work at the pet i have input on the fish orders. If it makes you feel better, i talked to my boss today, and he told me he had never seen one before and thats why he got it...and at the wholesalers, it was in a 40 g acrylic tank with NO SUBSTRATE. I am a hobbyist just like any other and thought it was interesting and perhaps a one time i jumped on it. I would love to set up and tank specifically for these maybe buying it was nto neccesarily the best decision to make, but it'll be a good challenge and i'm looking forward to helping it survive and thrive.


Originally Posted by blennius
The pictured fish is the orange barred garden eel a.k.a. splendid garden eel, Gorgasia preclara. Below is the fishbase link:
*links violation. No links can contain advertisments for competitors.*
Just how is Fishbase a competitor and what advertisement? It's a scientific resource and has nothing to do with sales of aquariums, supplies or livestock. The forum is very small and topics are only about fish ID, not aquaria. Fishbase is the single best scientific web resource out there to ID fish, nothing more. For the life of me I can't find on that web site what would be worried about. Please explain.


Originally Posted by blennius
Just how is Fishbase a competitor and what advertisement? It's a scientific resource and has nothing to do with sales of aquariums, supplies or livestock. The forum is very small and topics are only about fish ID, not aquaria. Fishbase is the single best scientific web resource out there to ID fish, nothing more. For the life of me I can't find on that web site what would be worried about. Please explain.
it bothers many others as well, but it's the rules. they just plain don't allow linking. as much as it makes our communicating tougher.


It would be useful to many to post the site rules/policy in the FAQ section too. I tried to find them and couldn't.
Actually, it's kind of weird because there are a lot of folks on here that have used and mentioned Fishbase and nobody accused them of being a violator! :mad:


Active Member
Although i was not the Mod. that deleted the link here is the deal.
The owners of this site do not allow links AT ALL
. Some will slip by us as we are far from perfect; but alot are brought to our attention by fellow members.
These are the rules to be followed. End of story. The Mod. team is only doing what we are told. Barry



Originally Posted by hot883
Although i was not the Mod. that deleted the link here is the deal.
The owners of this site do not allow links AT ALL
. Some will slip by us as we are far from perfect; but alot are brought to our attention by fellow members.
These are the rules to be followed. End of story. The Mod. team is only doing what we are told. Barry
I know being a mod is a thankless job. You all do a fine job of keeping this site clean and orderly, and I appreciate that. As a member I vowed when I signed up to not break rules and do my part to keep the site clean and orderly as well. Now that I know of this rule, which was not in the policy that I agreed to when I signed up, I will follow it.
To those folks that follow this thread, please accept my apology for hijacking it. My intent here was just to help you all out, not for this to happen.
By the way, that is one of the most beautiful garden eels that I've seen. I haven't seen one of those in the LFS's near me in quite awhile (I've seen the spotted ones though), but the last time that I saw one I was quite taken by it. Most aren't that colorful. I'd consider a species tank for a colony of those guys!!!