Originally Posted by hot883
Although i was not the Mod. that deleted the link here is the deal.
The owners of this site do not allow links AT ALL. Some will slip by us as we are far from perfect; but alot are brought to our attention by fellow members.
These are the rules to be followed. End of story. The Mod. team is only doing what we are told. Barry
I know being a mod is a thankless job. You all do a fine job of keeping this site clean and orderly, and I appreciate that. As a member I vowed when I signed up to not break rules and do my part to keep the site clean and orderly as well. Now that I know of this rule, which was not in the policy that I agreed to when I signed up, I will follow it.
To those folks that follow this thread, please accept my apology for hijacking it. My intent here was just to help you all out, not for this to happen.
By the way, that is one of the most beautiful garden eels that I've seen. I haven't seen one of those in the LFS's near me in quite awhile (I've seen the spotted ones though), but the last time that I saw one I was quite taken by it. Most aren't that colorful. I'd consider a species tank for a colony of those guys!!!