Id Please


Active Member
I think those are not real that picture was done on Photoshop. Notice the white in the picture is not the white you would get from a camera. Definitely Photoshop.

ric maniac

Active Member
i do believe this is a classic example of the periodi family. they lodge themselves into the polyps of sps corals and for a symbiotic relationship. they are most common in the carribean and are often hitch hikers on live rock. they are no threat to your tank, however they will be a problem in large numbers. this appears to be the larva form, and should be watched carefully because i could be wrong and it may turn out to be a commadea species.

tx reef

Active Member
* & $ @ ! % ) ( ^ # ~`":?><;'/.,[]}{+=-_
I think my IQ just dropped 50 points..................................................(that was 50 periods by the way)
so that is what my wife hate. i have no idea how that little dot will cause cramps?????????? but some how iam always blamed for it..


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo1234
three of these little buggers follow all of my sentences... (AKA an elipses...)


Active Member
Nemo1234, do you need help posting the pic? It took me a while to figure it out myself. It may seem like everyone is having fun at your expense, but we do all really want to help.


Active Member
Are you sure that is not, uh detritus, fish excrement, hermit crab food, you know....poop. I think we need a closer look to see for sure.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Nemo1234, do you need help posting the pic? It took me a while to figure it out myself. It may seem like everyone is having fun at your expense, but we do all really want to help.
ya. we arent making fun of you we just thought it was kinda funny. if you need help posting pics we will gladly help


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Nemo1234, do you need help posting the pic? It took me a while to figure it out myself. It may seem like everyone is having fun at your expense, but we do all really want to help.
Are you sure you want to help, or make fun of me?

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo1234
Are you sure you want to help, or make fun of me?

we arent making fun of you dont worry, we wouldnt do that. but we will like i said earlier help you.


well, i do need help posting pictures.... I have something in my tank that I needed help finging out what it is... kinda looks like an anenome... there are a few of them on my live rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo1234
well, i do need help posting pictures.... I have something in my tank that I needed help finging out what it is... kinda looks like an anenome... there are a few of them on my live rock.
there are a couple ways...
you can upload from your PC by hitting the "manage Attachments" button in the "Additional Options" section when posting... images i beleiv have to b smaller than 400x400...
second you can upload your images on a website that hosts images like then copy the appropriate html tag and paste it...
whats on your rock is probably aptasia...


Active Member
That would be an aptasia. They are a pest anenome that you don't want usually, injecting boiling water into them should kill them.


Active Member
yup use a baster and squirt boiling water... or the more reccomended way to get rid of em is to use Joe's Juice... peppermint shrimp also eat them... they are a PIA and can take over your tank...