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I'm still thinking a lovely fungal community based on a piece of food. But that is because I have no other reasonable ideas. I say pluck it out and smell it


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Originally Posted by ophiura
I'm still thinking a lovely fungal community based on a piece of food. But that is because I have no other reasonable ideas. I say pluck it out and smell it

So Sep, feelin brave?


Active Member
It could be a fungal colony as oph mentioned (I'd be inclined to believe that) or a poriferan.
the thing that gets me is it doesnt appear to have the radiating "hairs" most fungal growths get. the channels or "bubbles" could be the pore structure of a sponge. you have my curiosity piqued. what I wouldnt give for a magnifying glass, microscope and that sitting in front of me.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
It could be a fungal colony as oph mentioned (I'd be inclined to believe that) or a poriferan.
the thing that gets me is it doesnt appear to have the radiating "hairs" most fungal growths get. the channels or "bubbles" could be the pore structure of a sponge. you have my curiosity piqued. what I wouldnt give for a magnifying glass, microscope and that sitting in front of me.
That is kind of why I am hesitant to remove it to smell it. I have never seen anything like it and I don't want to kill it if it is something interesting. I think I am going to gently feel it in a bit and see if it is slimy or not.


I touched it, it felt gelatinous but not slimy. It had a stalk going down into the sponge filter, but not far. I gently pulled it loose, it caught the current from my power head and my clowns attacked it. They ripped it apart and ate it
Well, I hope that if it was something good, more of them turn up. If not then we shall never know what it was


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well as they say curiosity killed the unidentified possible fungal or poriferan growth..... wait thats not how it goes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I touched it, it felt gelatinous but not slimy. It had a stalk going down into the sponge filter, but not far. I gently pulled it loose, it caught the current from my power head and my clowns attacked it. They ripped it apart and ate it
Well, I hope that if it was something good, more of them turn up. If not then we shall never know what it was

In that case, it can only be one thing...
...Fish Food