id please!!

the reason i dont think its a rpe is because it really isnt red...its a vibrant orange and there isnt a dark ring around its mouth like a rpe.


Active Member
I dont think its RPE
either Orange Envy or Orange PE
Hold the frag from the bottom and move it carefully towards the glass so the paly doesnt close and take a better pic like that. Works best if u have someone hold it for you while u tkae the pic!


Active Member
lol ur gotta pick the frag up and place it close to the glass and u could get a great pic!
When am I gonna get my polyp we talked about!!!


I'de say EO. I have some as well - A huge colony at that.
OPE's have a purple ring around the mouth and RPE's are well, red not orange.
You should watch them under the lighting for a while though. They tend to change to darker/lighter shades under different lighting.


Actually, looking at it again... They could be RPE. The skirts don't look as full as what i have seen EOs do. I wish you could get better pics for us.