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New Member
Its a colony of something, not a sponge. Some of the stems look wilted because I found a sundial snail munching on them. Needless to say, the snail is no more, but it does look healthier then a week ago.


New Member
It looks like the beginning of a polyp colony. I bought a little rock that had 2 or 3 of those guys and they have reproduced enough in 6 months that there is a whole colony of them packed in there now.
The open up flat and when the get a quick blast of water or if something brushes up on them they curl in like a couple in the pic.


Active Member
Are we talking about what's in the middle? The palythoas?
Where there's one sundial... chances are there's eggs.
I would personally isolate that rock while scooping up the sand directly below it. Inspect it daily for eggs for 3 weeks.
