Id Please!!!


Can someone please identify these sps corals?

First 1 is bushy and the 2nd one has a blue haze to it with green polyps.


I am no expert, but the first one looks like it might be a hydnophora. The second one is some type of acro, but I am not sure what kind. I am sure that someone else will be able to be more help on the acro.


Active Member
cant tell on the hydno till it grow more.
the second looks so damn familiar, but I couldnt find it when I was looking for it.
I think live aquaria has had some that are like it in the past, but not right now.


Active Member
Based on the post from The Misfit, that may be the Garf Bonsai. the color seems to be right on, but it needs to grow more to really tell.


Active Member
Those are both pest corals, PM me so I can give you my address to ship them to me for proper disposal.. j/k
Whatever they are, they look GREAT!!!


Originally Posted by GatorWPB
Based on the post from The Misfit, that may be the Garf Bonsai. the color seems to be right on, but it needs to grow more to really tell.
It would be foolish to call that a garf bonsai without lineage, especially based only on the purple color with green polyps alone. Plus, the garf bonsai grows with thicker branches and a lot closer coralite spacing then his frag has. There are many purple w/ green polyp acros out there...
The first coral is defnitely a hydnophora. The 2nd is still too small to positively ID, but it's more then likely a type of tricolor; A. nana or A. secale perhaps.