Id please.


Just found this on some of my rock, sorry its the best picture I could get with my camera. They are little white looking fuZzy puff things.


One more thing. I just saw 2 of these in different spots in my tanks. Had never seen them before.
Also a stupid question, but do snails grow new shells? I just found one of my Nas snails climbing around on a rock with what looks like the making of a new shell, its looks soft and gooey.



Active Member
Not sure on the first. Second is a brittle star i think. If i'm seeing it right the last one was a limpet of some sort, which i believe there not dangerous to anything, and i know there helpful cleanups too.
And snails keep the same shell there whole life, it just gets bigger.


Active Member
not bad unless they get out of control... then you might need to get a sixline wrasse or temporarily use an arrow crab.


Your third picture looks like it could be a stromatella. They have a flat shell hat almost looks like a fingernail on its back. Another beneficial hitchhiker.


brsitle worms are beneficial to your system.They eat detritus and dead and decaying matter.People usually only have problems with them when their coral becomes sick and starts to decay.So natrually the hobbyist thinks the bristle worm is eating their live coral when in reality it is doing you a favor.and btw on the pics im saying bristle worm and q tip spounge


if they are multiplying that is a good sign.They are harmless and help to filter your water,someone please chime in and correct me if i am wrong


i have like a billion of those little sponges.. they were in my canister and aleast 5 on each rock..