ID please


I found this thing in a colony of zoanthids that i bought about a month and a half ago. The zoos fell to the sandbed one day and when i picked them up this guy stayed in the sandbed. It has since stayed in the same spot and tripled in size. Is it safe? What is it? Thanks



Active Member
I would. Since it is in the sand you can probably carefully scoop it up with some sand to make sure you don't leave anything behind. They tend to pop all over the place if you don't keep them in check.


ok i just looked up pics of the majano anemone and its def not one of them. Anyone else have any ideas? Thanks alot


Active Member
If you can scoop it out that might work. But if it is aiptasia there is a good chance you have more in your tank. Some people employ peppermint shrimp to keep them in check as they often eat aiptasia.


Originally Posted by CDubbs
Yeah i just looked up Aiptasia and that is def what it is. So i should scoop that guy out?
Get a peice of hose and suck it up with the sand around it that way if it freaks out it can't spread it's seeds.


ok cool i will suck it up with my vacuum. I definantly dont have anymore in the tank. I looked over my whole tank and this guy has been there for almost 2 months and never saw another one. Thanks for all the info. glad i decided to take a pic and find out if it was just didnt look right. thanks again