ID please!!!



there are little white bug looking things on my rock and when i turn on my light they all run into holes. what are these. are they good or bad?


thanks, now i was looking at it this morning and i found something that looks like a centapeede. what is that?


Active Member
Again this guy too is under the "Hitchhiker" sticky thread. Most likely you are seeing a Brissleworn. or Fireworm as some call them. Very similar critters....... Years ago we thought they where a pest to be eliminated. But as long as thee are not too many, they are good members of our clean up crews. Too many of them is often a result of overfeeding.


Originally Posted by spanko
I wonder why the hitchhiker thread is not stickied in the identification section?
Like anyone really goes there to look? Seriously a lot of people feel it is just easier to ask rather then look for them self. JMO. It is 99% laziness. I mean there is a big forum that say HITCHHIKERS and yet they come to the New hobbyist forum. So I just don't get it.


Active Member
That is kind of what I mean, the sticky is in the New Hobbyist section, not in the hitchhiker section. And then it is buried in some other thread where it is not really visible to someone who would take the time to look.


Originally Posted by spanko
That is kind of what I mean, the sticky is in the New Hobbyist section, not in the hitchhiker section. And then it is buried in some other thread where it is not really visible to someone who would take the time to look.
Well It is a Special Interest to some people and more of a hobby then the actual reef keeping. So I can understand why it is in the Special Interest section.
But still, It comes down to the User/poster actually taking their time and Posting in to the correct forum. That will never always happen as most users do not take their time and just post on the first forum they see. Heck you could prob rename New Hobbyists to new Hobble leg people and you will still get these posts. It is all about the user paying attention. And we all know that ADD runs rampant on the internet.