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anyone have any idea what this is on the sand? It wasnt there when I left for work this morning. Its like a brown layer of dust, almost rust colored, its on some of the rock too. Tank has been up for a week, stil cycling. Pics are below.


Active Member
The brown stuff in your shot looks to be Diatoms. They are a part of what sometimes is called "New Tank Syndrome". But diatoms, are very interesting but very tiny creatures. Try and Google the term. The basic foods for them are silica based. They use the dissolved Biogenic silica to make their little skeletons out of. (there are bigger terms but biogenic suffices)..... So no dissolved silica, no Diatoms. But most any new tank will have lots dissolved silica, just from the new substrate etc.
This is one of a number of the reasons to use RO-DI water, so we do NOT keep feeding the little buggers.. My well water here has a lot of silica in it, I live near US Silica in Berkeley Springs WV. My water is full of the stuff

Heck before I started this obsession, I did not even realize that silica would dissolve!!! But I guess in millions or billions of years water has worked at doing it, most anything will dissolve.
Hope that explains what and why that brown stuff, is in your tank. It most likely will get worse in the next few days, but will disapear with time. But RO-DI water will help if you are not using it already........ Warren


Active Member
It is one of three different types of algae. You don’t need to know witch one it is if you keep the water levels of nitrate, silicates, and phosphates at zero to not detectible. If you are doing this and you have just set the system up then as it ages the algae will recede.


Active Member
Do you have any snails, you might want to add some
Nerite, Nassanius and Florida Cerith snails
The Cerith snails will consume diatoms, detritus, cyano and algae in the substrate as well as on rocks, and glass in your aquarium.
The Nassanius will sift your sand and the Nerite will consume Diatoms, and Detritus


Active Member
keeping the light off during your cycle should help aswell..but the algea should go away on its own soon enough..


I dont have any cleaning crew. The tank was set up this weekend, so this is day 3 of the cycle, I havetn even done any tests yet... I will run the gammet tonight and post the results. It could be tap water, I am looking into a RO/DI filter. I left the light off today and am gonna get in there tonight and get teh algae off. Its only a small patch on 1 piece of rock so it should be pretty easy.
I have a question about Chaeto. I have some in the tank, its going in the sump once its up and running, but I notice pieces (strings) coming off, do I need to get those out? Will they start to grow? I know the stuff grows like crazy, how concerned should I be about the few pieces that have strayed off?


Active Member
As long as it is still green you are OK. If it turns white throw those pieces away..


For the time being just go to walmart or a grocery store to get your r/o water. Its like 25-40 cents per gallon. Most aren't Ro/di but anything is better than tap. This way you can have time to research your own r/o unit. Check out craigs people seem to sell a lot of them online pretty cheap. Flow on your rocks and sand can help with gettting rid of diatoms too. I don't think the chaeto will grow much while the lights are off so don't worry about that too much. Monitor your tests so you can see how your cycle progresses. Good luck and have fun!


Active Member
I realy like the "Airwaterice" units... many of their units are designed for us SW users. Great service if ever needed and very cost effective units too.
Google the term quoted above to find their site.........