ID Please


I picked these up in the "Frag Bargin Bin" at a couple LFS's. They had no clue what they are.
The first, I cant find online nor in posts or pics here...
The second is a Green Star Polyp I believe and the 3rd is some type of mushroom, the pic isnt great but its purple and bright green.
Now, what should I be feeding them? How fast do they grow? And how far from the top of my tank should I have my light? (Its dual 150wt MH, a 96wt 10,000K and a 96wt Acatenic (sp)).



Active Member
You don't need to feed any of them.... you have green star polyps, random zoos and then some random mushroom.
Your lighting is fine, placement mid to low level. All easy corals -- which sounds fortunate


The top one is a zoo? Now you say mid to low level, thats where I should have the coral in the tank? I have the light about 8 inches off the top of the water level. Now how agressive are they in terms of growth? Are they fast growing? And also in terms of testing, I test teh usual, Amm, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Phosp, SG... What else should I be testing?
Sorry for all the questions, this is my first go with corals...
Thanks for all the help


The first pic is the star polyps and the second pic is zoas. They are all soft corals and very forgiving. Should not need to test for anything else with these corals, but if you want to keep more corals then you should start testing for calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium on top of what you currently test for.