Id Please


Active Member
In picture #1 can you get a closer pic?
2- possibly zoo polyps
In picture #2
They all look like zoo polyps
In picture #3
1- Bubble algae
all the others again look like zoo polyps
You have a pretty bad case of hair algae. Can you give us all the info about your setup?

bang guy

My best guess:
Pic 1
1 - Calcareous Algae - possibly Padina
2 - Need a close-up
Pic 2
1 - Zoanthid
2 - Protopalythoa
Pic 3
1 - Caulerpa racemosa
2 - Zoanthid - possibly Palythoa
3 - Zoanthid - possibly Palythoa
4 - Zoanthid - possibly Palythoa


46 gallon bow Dual Satellite Powercompact Lights rena xp2 canister filter for now hair algae is going away


building a sump/Refugium post is in the diy section i have cut back on the lighting and feeding and clean up crew is taking care of whats left and when i do water changes i have been getting bunch out should be gone soon


for your pic #1, hiker #1 they look quite a bit like the fella i just had an id on. its hard to tell from your photo but check this thread and see if what you have is similar.


Active Member
#4 looks like a majano anemone to me. I had those and used joe's juice to get rid of them. They will sting you and/or your fish. They will also multiply quite rapidly and can be a real pain. If you can't find joe's juice, try aptasia X or a similar product for getting rid of nuisance anemones.


Active Member
If you are not sure if it is an majano do not try killing it. I think it is a polyp and so does Bang Guy. But if you are not sure post a closer picture and he can let you know for sure.


i do have 2 fish so far 1 yellowtail damsel and a yellow watchman goby well i hope pic #4 isnt majano anemone it was mystery coral from this site i think that piece is just mixed zoos


Active Member
Unless you REALLY REALLY like the #1 in the 3rd pic -- grape caleurpa I think -- it can be a pain to get rid of. It roots in deep and spreads... I personally don't like it.. had some hitch hike in on a piece of coral and took quite awhile grabbing small sections with tweezers trying to pull roots out -- and would grow back and pull roots out. Not very pretty compared to my corals ;)
Yes it's macro algae, but that's why I run big wads of cheato in my sump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Unless you REALLY REALLY like the #1 in the 3rd pic -- grape caleurpa I think -- it can be a pain to get rid of. It roots in deep and spreads... I personally don't like it.. had some hitch hike in on a piece of coral and took quite awhile grabbing small sections with tweezers trying to pull roots out -- and would grow back and pull roots out. Not very pretty compared to my corals ;)
Yes it's macro algae, but that's why I run big wads of cheato in my sump.
I looks like bubble algae and if you pop it it sends spores through out your tank and erupts everywhere. It is a PIA to get rid of. It is not a beneficial algae to have anywhere in your system. The way I got rid of mine was gently scarping it off with the tip of a turkey baster and sucking it out trying very hard not to pop it. If it does not release let it grow a little bigger before removing that one piece. I had it in my system for a while and now it is virtually gone. Some times an Emerald crab will help but not always.