ID Please


New Member
First i'll apolagize for the fuzzy picture best I could do. I have had this creature in my Reef tank for years, figured i'd try to find out what he is. He's pretty cool. When the tank lights go out he sends all these little string like tentacles all around him and forages for food. You can actually see the food working its way up to the tentacles. From the picture in the semi top middle the bright white rectangle is his body and then he's sourounded by the tan colored tentacles. He's barely 1/2 inch long don't see how he gets all those tentacles back in that little body when the lights come on. Any help IDing would be appreciated.


I'm sorry I can't make out anything in that picture is there anyway you can try to take another ?


New Member
Think you nailed it bang guy, checked out some pics of the spaghetti worm and they look just like him, thanks for the help!