ID please


I don't have a picture, but will take one tonight if necessary. Ever since I added my new lighting, many new things have begun growing in my tank. One of the things I am noticing are what look like mini turbo snails, they mainly come out at night, but I do see a few during the day, they are the size of small peas, however, I have noticed that some are growing larger. What are these? and are they harmful to my tank?


Active Member
They're probably Macarene snails a common hitchiker they won't get to big, are great algae eaters and will reproduce in the tank under the right conditions. They look simular to small Mex. turbos.
Does it look like this?

Or like this? same snail dif variety.


Thanks for your help Dan - you seem to be good at iding these critters, I did a search on this site for Macarene Snails and saw another id that you did for Cerith's, I think I have a few of those as well. I have noticed in my tank, area's where there is some sort of a white film type buildup, some of it is behind my powerheads and I have noticed some in different area's of my live rock, any idea on what this is....possibly eggs??? Also, what type of conditions do the Cerith and Macarene need to reproduce? I really started noticing them after I upgraded my lighting.


Active Member
The film is more likely sponges. Some types of sponges grow flat accross the glass and rocks. There is also a white coraline, but it's not near as common. It could also be calcium build up or aragonite dust. To ID someting like that we would need a pic.
Most types of snails lay there egges in strands.
Snail reproduction is an indidvidual thing. Two things they will need are good calcium and plenty of food. Another are good water parameters I have two tanks with identical perameters and they reproduce all the time in one, but not the other. To each his own. And what are considerd ideal conditions very from spieces to spieces. Macarene's reproduce in my tank @ Ca 450, PH 8.3, SG 1.024, temp 80, alk 12, and NO3 0. But I don't think their that picky. HTH