ID please


Hello All,
I am new to this board and salt water, however I have had fresh water fishes for years. I hope to get some help and advice from you all on this wonderful hobby! I started an 8 gallon nano tank a couple of months ago and it is doing fairly well so far (I think :) ).
My LFS sold me a small frag (shown in the pic) and said it was Xenia. After checking on the internet I found that it didnt look anything like a Xenia.
I kinda like it, however, it has tiny brown polps that open with the light and partially retract when lights are out. The body is pure white and kinda soft.
Anyone know what it is?
Thanks in advance for your help.


I have no idea but welcom and I hope everyone else can help you out a bit more then I have:rolleyes: :D :p :)


Welcome to the board!
I had some xenia once and they looked nothing like that. You may want to find another LFS.


Thanks for the responses and the nice welcome.
I guess its some kind of a finger leather. Hope its ok for nanos.


I have Xenia and recently it looked a lot like your pic!! I have the corals & fish in 2 55g tanks as I am tearing out the CC from the 125g tank and putting in 50/50 playsand & LS from!! Great Live sand by the way... anyhow all of the corals were doing fine for a week or so but one day mine sort of looked like your Pic!! They all shrunk down to the rock. Of course I freaked and did all of the necessary testing and the salinity was a bit high and also I needed to add iodide. It seems that I was getting carried away with the rebuilding of my new tanks that I had gotten negligent to my babies!!! Shame on me!! They are slowly coming back!!


sdascher, thanks for your response.
Wow! Do you think that it could be a Xenia after all?
After looking at pics of Xenia's they seem to have larger polyps on long "stalks". These polyps are very tiny!!
I bought this book called "Reef Secrets", its a cool book and highly recommended! The closest match I could find in it is something called "Cauliflower Coral", looks almost exactly the same as my pic. (Cladiella sp.) in the finger leather coral family.
maybe it's a midget xenia, actually I have seen xenias like that.........there isa possibility, there are so many things out thereyou can't really tel, it also looks like a leather of some sort........I think there's a site that sells those..........lemme go look it up brb