ID Please!


I think this is some type of sponge. Its not a closed up polyp. If you guys need more pics I will try my best . THANKS!


Active Member
thats pretty weird...almost liek a dead leatehr coral.....any chance of a clearer pic?
good luck


ok. I turned my lights off after removing my cbs trying to see if any worms are left. I will and try again soon to take a photo.
It is very very strange. I felt it and it is quite squishy.


Active Member
Its either a sponge or a half dead soft coral. Try getting some decent lights on it and see if it recovers. It still has some color to it.....


Active Member
Looks like something hurting to me as well.....I have had a bunch of "encrusting sponges" and that doesn't really look like any. I could almost always see the water canals quite easily...looked like veins....I basically have no guess, but it seems there is physical damage like something was dead or ripped off on the lower right?? I really have no idea actually......sorry.


Better photo coming tonight!
The burple / bluish "things" are like a finger and are doing good but the back of it looked like that when I got it, Actually it looked like little grains of rice. Very Tiny! One of the fingers partially died and it was made of the small rice also. I think maybe when I got the rock it was "torn" from another and thats why it looks like crap in the back?
There are little holes on the fingers if you can see them. Well I will take more photos when I get home and Thanks again Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Here is a image about 1 month agao on the "good side" You can see how they actually stick up and i am SO SORRY about the picture size 8(


pictures of the rock with it on it. Better perspective

And thanks for all the ideas! I REALLY REALLY appreciate