ID plz, i should hav went to bed :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by marinfire1
i think i have one of these in my tank the only problem is that it lives in a VERY cool piece of LR and i reallly dont want to break it up...any ideas on how to get it out without damaging my rock...theres not a way to grab it anything i could dip the rock in> ive noticed my xenia getting

supposedly freshwater dip works as well, but i'm also tired and may be thinking something entirely different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Here is a quote from the site:
Polyclad flatworms are free-living marine PLATYHELMINTHES, an animal phylum which also includes tapeworms, liver-flukes and other internal parasites. They are not related to sea slugs or other molluscs. Although very thin and delicate, flatworms are active carnivores and scavengers, using their proboscis to feed on dead or injured animals and colonial animals such as bryozoans and soft-corals. The worms can quickly glide along the bottom by using the fine hairlike cilia which cover their body. When disturbed they can swim for a considerable period of time by throwing the sides of their body into undulating waves.

erm, that's scary that they have a website solely for seaslugs.
There are websites for pretty much anything these days, I have listed in my favorites ones on Wrasses, anemones, coral ids, shrimps etc.


hey ren i just found the same thing EXACTLY in my tank...i think i got it with my mushroom rock from fintastic!!! thats the only thing i added recently and this is the first time i saw it. i should have pulled it out but it was morning and the lights came on and it took off into a small crack in my rock.
i should have grabbed it when i it really bad??? gotta go research some more.


Active Member
i can't tell you if it is good or bad. I never noticed any zoos, kenya, sun, or paly corals missing. The only thing i havent been able to keep visible is mushrooms. maybe their disappearance can be explained by this thing.