Personally i dont think that thats what it is (still could be) try to get it out, and put it somewhere so that it could grow.
It looks like it has three polyps so it could be zoos or something and you dont want to kill those. Look at some pics of majano anenome and different kinds of zoos or other polyps and go from there.
Good luck
It is not a majano anenome, it is touching the xenia and its not stinging them. It looks like a small xenia or a green star polyp, or zoos, but its jellowy.
Can anyone id this star fish? Hear are a few pics, i got about 4 of them in my 8 gallon bio cube. I didn't buy them, i gess they are hitch hikers. Hear are a few pics.
I am pretty sure that the stars are asterina stars...they will reproduce throughout your tank (some people don't like them, I have never had problems with them).
It kind of looks like the thing that you are trying to identify may be some sort of zoanthid (closed up).
Originally Posted by doktorj99
asterina star.....they are said to eat coraline...i have a bunch in my tank....and well i kinda like them...whats a little
HMMMMMMM.....! No wonder there are pices of coraline algae missing all around my tank LOL. I was about to make a new thread to ask people if my coraline algae is dieing LOL.
Ok, i made a diary thats called "Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary." in the nano tank section if anyone is interested in looking at my bio cube and its got a LOT of pics and i will be posting more pics.