Id....possible claim?


Sorry, I don't have a picture. I still need to get some new disks for the digital. So, I'm going to try and explain this to you folks.
My tanks been up for a week now, almost no ammonia, or nitrites. Calcium was very low, so did a double dose on it Saturday per my LFS recommendation. I'm seeing a lot of growth in there. 37 gallon tank, 40 lbs base, 25lbs LR, argonite sand (unseeded), 65 watt and 100 watt lights.
My LR was fully curied and bought at my LFS. This stuff had been in their tank for over a month, and was purchased from someone moving who couldn't take his coral with him.
Three days into having the tank, I noticed a large section of my LR move. It's about the size of a golf ball, but more oblong then round. I thought maybe it was settling since I moved the rock around earlier. Well, the other night both me and hubby were checking out the tank for new life and this same piece moved again! Hubby took a close look at it and says he can clearly see a foot and an opening. Me....I think I saw a foot, but I'm not sure. Hubby saw it move again today.
I'm used to seeing the really nice colorful claims that have the big lips. Not sure if lips is the right term or not. Is it possible I have another type of claim? Should I start adding food to the tank even though it's not done cycling? My LFS thinks it might actually be done this weekend. Which would be cool!!! I've got so much brown stuff in the tank I'd love to get a cleaning crew.
I'll see if I can find a disk the camera will accept when I get home from work.

bang guy

Sounds like a Turkey Wing Clam.
They benefit from added phytoplankton but I would suggest you wait until after your cycle to add it. Start with just a small amount and slowly increase.


Well, it does have an opening and I did see the foot.
I'm charging up my camera and will see if I can take a picture of it.