ID request ---- Sand Anemone Hitchiker ?????/



First let me preface by saying I know almost nothing about anemones.
When I purchased my live rock, there was a little "pink ballon" on one of the rocks. It seemed like this might be a neat creature so I kept my eye on it.
It moved around for a couple of days and finally settled in one place. My tank was cycling the whole time (although I did have a very fast cycle - about 3-4 days max)
I continued to watch him. He opens up in the morning with the lights - similar to a flower - and closes up and recedes into the rock a little at night.
Looking through a book the other day it started to dawn on me that this might be an anemone. the book called it a Sand Anemone. The definitive feature is the "rings" on the tenacles. It is rather pink /flesh colored with rows of white spots as well.
I am rather in doubt that this is indeed an anemone since I have heard that they are so hard to keep -- let alone traveled aboard a piece of live rock and subjected to all that must entail - also that this supposed Sand Anemone is living on a rock. But what else could it be??????
I began to feed it the other day by shooting frozen brine his (her?) way. He closes up around the brine shrimp he catches while closing up. A few minutes later he opens up again.
The vantage point that he has chosen allows me to see him in cross-section (sideways) as well since there is a second hole where he lives near the outside wall of my tank. I can see the food being digested but I have no idea how he might "poop".
Last night I noticed a brown ball on top of him - about the size of a rabbit turd. (This "anemone" is only about the size of a quarter or so spread out and his top to bottom measurement is about ohhhh 2 inches.
i thought he was trying to expel his "poop" but later I could not find the "poop" on the sand bed and thought maybe it was his reguratated dinner -- or a snail got too close (but no empty snail shell either)
anyway - what do you guys think???? I will also attach two images off the web (my camera will not focus close enough to be of use) that seem similar - although most of the pics I looked at for sand anemones did not look too similar these two are pretty darn close.


the web image noted that this was a closed picture - it was open when he got to it but closed when he got too near -- the white spots and pinkish color are nearly identical to mine - i also suspect that if it had no support from the rock it might look like this when closed too.
i just can't think what else it could possibley be besides an anemone that took a hellious journey and survived - and then to survive a cycle and then to survive ME as well!!!???
Pretty stoic I would say


my LFS - a pretty decent one (actually a aquarium manager/consultant/designer that sells a bit of stuff out of his garage - although it was his asst. there today) thinks it may be a carpet anemone - he showed my one of his that he ID'ed as a carpet and his looks almost identical to the "first" picture I posted. but that picture looks nothing like any picture of a carpet anemone that I have seen.
Does anyone think the first picture looks like a carpet anemone???


do a search ffor a flower or rock anemone they come in a wide varitey of colors and has a similiar shapeing to them. I dont think it looks like a carpet but it still maybe but it looks more like a flower or rock anemone to me,
here is a picture of one of mine. but remember their are many many color varients in the species. this one is also alot larger than what you say yours is. this one is about the size of my hand.


here's a pic or a rock anemoe from the web -
the white part I don't have
but the brown/beige - pretty darn close
I will see if I can borrow a decent camera somewhere


not all of them have the white there are some that are all brown and some that are mainly white and some like mine are colored a wide array of colors.
if you can get a pic it would narrow it down somemore though.


this one pretty darn close too
could an anemoe actually be a hitchhiker??


Well, I am a Novice, But I have 2 of the exact same ones in my tank that were on my LR when I purchased it. One was the size of a dime and the other was the size of a small childs fingernail. I have been feeding them and they now move around the rocks. My LR was fully cured and I noticed the other day, at the LFS where I buy my rock, there was alot more of these little anemones on their rocks.
I also have 2 other anemones that are translucent with little rings around the tentacles.


That first pic looks like my rock anen that I got when i first started, didn't know much better, and the LFS guy said they were easy to care for.... he hasn't hurt anything that i know of, i do think hes eaten a few hermits and snails, but he's ok. my goby stays quite far away from him. lately he has mooved to an old clam shell on my sand, he has mooved this shell arround too (only explination as to why it keeps moving with him) kinda neat i'd love to see him do it. thats my biggest complaint about him other than being kinda ugly.


Active Member
It is my understanding that these are aptasia. They are capable of killing corals and will multiply like crazy. They are also a pest and tough to get rid of. Depending on what type of tank, from what I hear, they are not good. Here's a bump.
Anyone else??


Active Member
Your description of a "pink balloon" when you got it and the pic make me think it is a rock/flower anenome. When I was in the tide pools at Laguna over Christmas there were purple ones everywhere. Beautiful. The ones above the tide line in the air were closed into the baloom shape.