ID request

nm reef

Active Member
I recently started doing maintenance on a system here in town that has this is about 3" and has been in this display for about 2 months. I'm sure it is a juvinile...the owner swears it was purchased as a "vlamingi tang"...but I'm thinking it is a blonde naso...can anybody help determine a positive ID on this juvinile? I need to know exactly what I'm dealing with and I have no hands on experience with either.


Active Member
Looks like a vlamingi to me. I got this pic from a site that says it is a 5" juvie beginning to display adult coloration. It has the same shape, blue lips, blue dots, same tail shape, and also has the design right below the eye.


Active Member
I don't think it is a lopezi. Compare the tail shape, the pic I have is much more similar, and also with the white at the ends.


Active Member
Juvy vlaminqui tang. They are more... "sparkly" wen they are young. Tell that guy that his fish is gonna get huge, lol.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm aware of the size they can get...I did some more checking and I'm starting to believe it is a vlamingi...I've already expressed to the owner that this fish will quickly out grow his 120 bow front...for now it is in good shape but in time it'll have to be removed.
Any other assistance in a positive ID?


I have tried looking up Naso Vlamingi's Tang, and each photo that I have seen of this fish shows some thing different than what your photo shows. I even caught the word Acanthuridae
attached to it as well and still don't come up with a positive ID. One site showed a juvi and adult, neither one looked like the photo you show.
Sorry, mystery to me.