ID some SPS for me? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
DO YOU KNOW ANYHTING ABOUT Sps?It is comon for them to brown out when introduced into a new tank.The color comes back in a few months.Do some more reading
I wouldn't say it's common for them to brown out...the only pieces I've had that happen is on wild colonies and all the pieces I've recieved from fellow hobbiest have kept their color.
That said, $50 for those pieces is by no means a bargain...I could have gone to a local frag swap or hooked up with peeps in the local club and gotten a lot more for $50 but if you don't have access to those resources it's probably an ok deal. Then again, that's why I never buy something unless I see it in person to check health and check for any little trouble makers (red bugs, flatworms or monti eating nudi's).


That is what i assumed though the person who sold the frags got wild colonies.Most lfs dont sell aquaclutured corals.And the ones thet do are few and far.I Know all those frags for 50$ isent that great of a deal if you have hookups like you do but not many people do.If i had hookups like that i would never go to a lfs or online site again


Active Member
I'm very happy to have a store fairly close to my house that sells an amazing variety of aquacultured corals and when I do spend $$ I always get a great frag...they are having a killer sale this weekend too, 10 sps frags for $100 and he's gonna throw 2 in for free and we are not talking green slimers but very nice pieces.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
who cares if he made his money back?
ever heard of dr fosters and smith or this website even rofl.You think they dont make money off the corals they sell?and you think EVERY peice of coral they sell is super healthy??sorry to tell you its just not true.
exactly. so lets just say his corals were in the tank for a year then he frags them, would you be happy then? why not make money off of it? there is nothing wrong with making money, if he was doing anything against rules, the mods would have stopped him. hes not just going to throw frags and a box and give them to you. there was no scam, he's shown pictures of the mother colonies in different threads and offers pics via email. if he was a greedy

he'd have charged $20-$30 for a 1/4" frag plus $50 shipping. you make it seem like he's a frag factory with money on the brain. why didnt you raise hell with all the other people that got frags? was it because nothing happened to them so there was no reason to blame anyone? ive said this before, ive gotten frags from many of the same colonies that hefner did, and none of them browned out, im very satisfied and i would buy more frags from TX again. now how could that be? maybe TX does know what the hell he's doing after all?
this thread is going to be locked because this whole thing is just so petty and stupid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
wango tango i am on tx-reefs side on this subject.maybe you misinterpreted what i wrote.
no im with you 100%


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
DO YOU KNOW ANYHTING ABOUT Sps?It is comon for them to brown out when introduced into a new tank.The color comes back in a few months.Do some more reading


Active Member
Originally Posted by ss
DO YOU KNOW ANYHTING ABOUT Sps?It is comon for them to brown out when introduced into a new tank.The color comes back in a few months.Do some more reading
do you...... i agree with everyone to forget about it. ignorance is bliss and there is nothing you can do about it. He will make his own mistakes and hopefuly learn from it