ID this for me please


Thats as close as i can get. I outlined it green trying to make it more visable. Didn't really work that well, thats for sure. So i'll try to explain what yah see.
It's about 3 inches tall white at the base and gets darker towards the top to a rust colored brown. There are two smaller ones that have started to grow as well from the main pad. These stalks close when there is no light and open when lights come on. Hope this helps.


Active Member
It looks like some sort of button polyp. If it retracts quickly when you touch it, it's aptasia.


The coloring and touch test of this item don't match aipastia. (pretty sure thats the wrong spelling) Plus this thing has a base that sets on the rock, not in it like aipastia does. Well anyways, it's some kinda hitch hicker polp and I'll leave it be. Thanks for all the post.


So if it retracts quickly, it is aptasia???? I have 3 in different spots in my 30 gal, but there is nothing in it but 2 mexican turbos, 4 blue leg hermits and a engineer goby I just got last night. The aptasia has been in the tank for about 1 month( if that is what it is ) but they have not spread anywhere yet. If you have them and your tank is only 2 months old, does that mean your tank is doin well?? just curious.......:jumping: