Id this help please


justin podolan

What is this thing in the middle, that looks like an aiptasia
and cant get ride of them.



Active Member
Have you tried Kalkwasser paste, lemon juice or joes juice?
Don't try to physically remove them, that really ticks them off.


Active Member
I've also heard of using boiling water in a turkey baster. Kills them instantly.
Joes juice is the best though. most LFS's should have it in stock.

justin podolan

I have tried boiling water and they come back in a few days.
If it is majano will joes juice kill them?


joe's will kill them ,but some may come back so keep some joe's for later. I have used it on majnos and some came back after about a day or two.


Can you use joe's, boiling water, lemon juice... in tank or do you need to remove rock? Hate to have to take rock out.


Active Member
In tank.... don't use the baster for the vinegar or the likes. You'll need a syringe or pipette of sorts. You already may know that.... just incase.


Once you blast them with liquid of choice, do you have to remove them or do they die off on their own.


I added two peppermint shrimp and it worked.
Be aware that sometimes they do not even pay attention to it.
Ask to your lfs if have some that they used for this purpose and maybe you could buy


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shaggyblz
What threat does an Apstasia pose to your aquarium? Do they really have to be removed?
if you have a reef tank they can spread rapidly and sting other corals. if you have a FOWLR i wouldn't be as concerned.


Active Member
all joes juice is is kalkwasser. mix some kalkwasser thick and squirt some on the creature with a syringe. you should never see it again. there is not need to remove it.
i've never had to remove any dead aptasia.
has anyone else?
mr. clownfish, are you speaking from experience? have you actually removed aptasia with tweezers?


Thanks MrX. How thick do you mix it? Is it pretty easy to squirt in their mouth before they sneak back into their hole(most of mine have chosen a hole in the rocks). Do you just flood the area and hope the kalkwasser stays put long enough to kill him? Was thinking of adding upside down condiment cup to syringe tip to act as a protector from the flow so it doesn't all just drift away. Overkill?


Active Member
i mix it very thick like a paste. just thin enough to fit through a syringe without the needle on the end. that way it stays in a glob when you administer it.
i get real close to it without disturbing the anemone, then whamo!
and then when it shrivels up i put another small glob on top of where it was.
i just turn off all flow and it generally stays where you place it.

bang guy

People try all kinds of crazy stuff on Majano when all you really need to do is scrape the Anemone off the rock.
Unfortunatly, your Anemone are Aiptasia. You cannot scrape Aiptasia off a rock because 5 or 6 will grow back in its place from leftover cells.
So, try all the crazy Aiptasia remedies, something will work.
I mix fish food, like Mysis Shrimp, with Calcium hydroxide and water to form a paste. I feed the paste to the Aiptasia and the high PH of the Hydroxide kills it.


Active Member
IMO the tweezer trick will just leave broken parts hanging arojnd and new ones will grow. Use a paste of some sort, kalk, joe's juice, aiptasia-x and zap those babies before they get out of hand.