It is so tiny it is hard to get a clear pic...I'll see what I can do. So far the little guy is a white pearl color and has a speckled mouth opening and then each tentacle has a little white drop(pearle like), all are semetricle as the arms go out. The whole anemone is about3/4 of an inch in diameter. I'll see if I can get a better pic.
Wow! There are hundreds of these mushroom anemones. Here's a pic I found that is similar, at least the tips anyway, the mouth is so tiny it doesn't have any color, other than the fuzzy purple algae behind it. At first I thought is was a carpet anemone because of the purple fuzz...but then the tentacles started to extend. That's when i saw the little pearls on it. I'll just have to keep an eye on it an feed it. Be interesting to see what it developes into. Thanks for your help
Careful tho, I had some teensy rock anemones, no more than an eighth of an inch, I had 20 in a week hahahahahaha, now I have one. Seems cool though, good luck, maybe its one of the ones we collect!