ID this thing, Please..


Ok I noticed something new today. it looks like it is some sort of worm in a calcareous tube. it looks like it has two strings inside the tube. and casts a slimy net across the rocks then pulls it back in. I know weird, but what is it? and good or bad?


Active Member
Lots of possibilities- and all are considered harmless to good :)
If it has two tentacles, it might be a spionid worm. More tentacles are spaghetti worms. Also there are vermetid snails that secrete some mucous strands to catch food.
If you look up any of those names, you should find some pictures :)


Active Member

Originally posted by ophiura
Lots of possibilities- and all are considered harmless to good :)
Also there are vermetid snails that secrete some mucous strands to catch food.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: