ID - wierd little guys.


My co-worker here has a 12 gallon reef tank (yah its tiny). Any way... he added about 20 pounds of liverock to it and it looks really good. Now to the problem for which we need an ID.
The liverock has been in for approx 3 weeks with nothing showing up (freebies wise) and then suddenly today while hes out of town I see 2 or 3 1.5 - 2 inch long millipedes.
These suckers dont seem good for a tank, but they also dont seem harmful. They have no color markings just solid tan looking. They are like i said about 1.5 - 2 inches long and have a bunch of legs.. no pinchers or anything like that so I dont know quite what they could be... I will try to get a picture but would like input.
BTW, I promise that I did a search on the board for millipede before I asked, not looking to waste anyones time.


I don't have any personal experience with these, but I THINK that you might have some bristle worms. If nothing else, I moved your question up and gave you another search term to look for.
Varying opinions on these critters...some think helpful, some think harmful.
Good luck, and HTH!


They do stretch and retract! You are right! So I take it I should try to get rid of them... but theres so many... like 15 or 20 that I can see... any advice :)


They arnt a problem unles their big or you have clams. i wouldnt worry about them,they will act like a cleenup crew.


Active Member
They are only harmful when they get big(6" or bigger). Then they may eat a small fish. :eek: I would not bother with them now.
They will only turn up your sand. BTW don't touch them with your hand it may hurt alitte. :eek:


Wow thanks for the info guys :) I was worried. They are tiny and id imagine they wont live long enough to get that big. I hope not at least :)