

i have these little things coming out of my lr that look like little feather dusters,very pretty most of them are white one is pink,and another is white and gray any ideals.if this picture shows up i am just trying to learn how to attach them ,lol i am new to all this stuff


Active Member
Your picture confuses me and i dont see what it is you are talking about- but they are probably little dusters- tube worms


sorry the picture i was just fooling around with have never tried to post a picture before just wanted to see if i could. I could'nt get a good picture of what i was talking about as they are really tiny and i dont have a zoom. but thanks for your answer,really love this site. mrswv1956


Active Member
I saw your other post, and it is probably tube worms... when they retract is it into a "tube" of sorts? Also, just wanted to say hi to another WV reefer----Dont see many from WV on this board. ;)


hi to you to i guess your the only other wv i have seen in here to.and i really appreciate this site it has helped me alot,i dont post alot because i find alot of my answers by reading other post except last week when i got stung by my foxtang then i jumped on line to get help fast that hurt worst then any sting i ever had,and people helped me out really appreciated it.mrswv1956