Ideal Pump for 24 gal. Nano Cube?


Active Member
I posted a few days back about purchasing a 24 gallon Nano Cube. The stock pump for this tank is a single 290 GPH pump. Making turnover ~12x. Is this enough? I would like to go ahead and buy a backup pump so I am prepared in the event this one breaks down as it likely will one day.
What would be the ideal powerhead or pump for this tank?


1st question:
Maxijet 900 or 1200 are good pumps. Quiet and don't produce as much heat as the stock pump. Don't believe that GPH on the stock pump, I am sure it is less.
2nd question:
For some reason JBJ has it set up so you can't. It is necessary to rewire them onto there own power supply.


Active Member
Well that is dumb!
Oh well, I am not electrically crafty enough to attempt that. I would probably kill myself or permanently damage my lighting system trying to rewire it. I will look into those pumps jacksdad.
P.S. - I talked to another reefer on here (promisetbg) about the cassette tape modification to the water intake to skim the surface. However, he had a 12 gal. Nano Cube Deluxe and I think his intake may be a different size. What exact type of cassette did you use and do you have any pictures?
Thanks a ton!


Active Member
I figured out how to get the moonlights on, however, if you used a timer it would not work, which is what I will eventually use. The switch on top has to be in the "l" position down, and the power supply switch has to be in the "O" position down for the moonlights only to be on.
Right now I filled it with freshwater to do a leak test and to drain all the dust and crap out from the factory.


Active Member
one day i wanted to see the moonlights on and leave it on all night to see if there was a difference and my lights are on a timer. so i just waiting until my lights turned off and then i just unplug it and put it in a regular plug spot and then turn off the main lights and switch the switch on the hood for the moon lights. or you can buy a seperate moon light.
sorry for taking this post but, jacksdad : when you switch the stock pump with a maxijet 900 or 1200, do you have another pump in the tank or is that enough flow or move the whole tank? because right now i have the stock pump in my 24 with a lot of corals and i just had a cyano problem so i added to more pumps one facing the back across the tank and one shooting near the top for top water movement. what do you recommend?


e-mail on it's way and thanks for the interest. I take pride in the fact that those who have pruchased one of my skimmer have been kind enough to post possitive feedback. I only wish I had time to do more mods!!
thanks again,