Ideal Reef Tank Temp ?


New Member
Those of you with reef tanks... what do you consider the ideal tank temp to be? I have been told anywhere from 77 to 84, but I have been keeping mine right at 80. Just looking for some other feedback.....


Active Member
Anywhere between 78-82 for your typical reef setup. It is more important to keep it stable then to keep it at a specific temp. If your tank is in a place that it is more likely to overheat, then push the normal temp up. This way any swings will be minimal...Hopefully


I agree with Footbag. I kept mine at 81 for the longest (9 months)since it would spike to 81 during the peak hours of the day. Last couple of weeks (due to ventilation improvements), I have reduced the temp down to 78. The main thing is (as Footbad stated), keep it constant. At both ranges, I was able to not fluxuate even 1 degree.
Good Luck,

bang guy

IMO anywhere between 80F & 85F is good.
I agree that temperature fluctuations are unhealthy or even deadly to reef tanks.


84 is good...higher temp higher motabilism (sp.) and more growth with corals (if you are feeding your corals)....most productive reef in nature is 86


yeah i run my tank at 82 and then on a warm day the tank with the lights on... runs about 84ish or so...i havent ran into any problems so far..been running the tank for about 4 or 5 months now..