Ideal Salinity


I just bought a refractometer, and am finally going to maintain an accurate, steady salinity reading. So I scanned number of posts on this forum and checked a couple of books, but I still don't know at what level to maintain my tank.
Here is my current census (150 gal tank) with more on the way:
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 Lyretail Anthias
3 Neon Goby
1 Royal Gramma
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Blood Shrimp
1 Arrow Crab
Various Snails
2 Fanworms
Live rock base and setting up a refugium soon
So, what level do you maintain your tank, and what do you recommend for me? I am using salinity, not SG.


Active Member
I keep my around 35 ppt, which is the average salinity in the ocean. This also helps keep my trace element levels right where they should be.

bang guy

35ppt here as well. Red Sea animals like it slightly higher though but 35ppt is well tolerated by all reef animals.