ideas for 29g fowlr setup


Mwahaha, I got my boyfriend into the hobby! :D He has a friend in his apartment complex that is trading his 29g setup for my boyfriend's PS2 (which he doesn't need anyways). It just has regular flourescent lights and he doesn't want to make it a reef anyways so that works out. I'm just trying to get an idea of what type of fish he will be able to keep in this tank. I know he would love to have a puffer, so I might try to convince him that valentinis are just as cool as porcupines
but I'd like to get some other ideas too. Right now the tank is empty, just crushed coral (which he will DEFINITELY be changing to live sand before anything goes in there), some dead liverock, I believe a Millenium filter, and 1 powerhead (not sure what kind). His friend doesn't believe in protein skimmers, so he doesn't have one. And I'm not even sure if you really need a skimmer for this small of a tank. I have one on my 37g but that's because it's a reef and I'm paranoid :yes:
So what are your suggestions? I know he loves lionfish and puffers but I also know most of these are way too big for an itty bitty 29g.


If he did a valentini he couldn't really add much more in a 29. The only lionfish I can think of that doesn't get too big is the Fu Manchu.
Its kind of personal preference for what he'd like to keep. Take him to your LFS or show him the fish sold here. Since you have experience make sure to educate him on a tanks bioload (i.e. not overstocking) and proper tank husbandry. The more educated he is the more likely he is to succeed with his tank, thus keeping him into the hobby.
Good luck! :D