Ideas for next coral?


I have a 150 gallon DT with a 49 gallon sump/fuge. The tank is going to be an SPS tank. Problem is I don't want to add SPS until after the six month mark.
My tank has been cycled for a month, what other corals should I get that won't take over the system ( I.E. shrooms or GSP) that will look decent with the SPS, but be hardy enough for a new system?
(currently I have a colony of zoas (green and orange) and a finger leather)


Active Member
you really shouldnt add any corals for the first 6 months in a new tank. it can take a long time to get everything to be stable and established. also, if you are new to corals, you need that time to get used to caring for them and how your tank reacts, how to dose kalk etc , etc.