Ideas for Rock Display


Active Member
Thanks crazy. Alot of this rock is just like the missouri mt's lots of holes some of the rock has so many holes and 1 is hollow.


Active Member
Box said 55 online calc. said 52 so I guess its a 52 lost 3 gallons lol. I hate the way pictures make it look it looks alot better up close.


Active Member
I like that last pic but are you sure it isnt the other way around? 200 gal with 150lbs live rock? Because there is so little rock.


New Member
No I am sure that it is 18" not cm. The largest recorded is 36" and it is not recommended that you put a Vlamingi Tang in a tank smaller than 7 feet. So as Airforceb2 said hence the big tank. I can't wait to see how big he really gets though!


New Member
Yes we do have a 4yr old son. He doesn't really care too much about the tanks right now. He is really only interested when we go to the fish store or get new fish. He likes to look but I don't think he really understands what we are creating in our home when we give the fish homes. He will someday though-hopefully.


New Member
Here are a few pics.
We think this is how we will be leaving the rock. We sort of combined all of the pics and ideas you guys gave us.
Let us know what you think. We have about 230lbs of rock now. We will add more, for filtration purposes, eventually. Have to go kind of slow though.



Active Member
My nephew likes my tank he is only 1 and he likes to set on my knee and look at it or he will stand at it and look. He is a curios kid. He may not like it now but he will eventually see a fish he likes even at that age and want it lol. Try to get something he likes that will get him into it fast lol.


Active Member
maybe you should consider using adhesive. some of the strutures look like could be disturbed by my tiny percula clowns in one of their frenzy dances


New Member
Hey we were wondering about that does the glue work? Is it going to cause problems if we need to move the rock for whatever purpose? or does it come off pretty easy?


New Member
That is what we are planning. We found a couple butterflies and maybe and angel. Have to make sure that they are size compatible with the Vlamingi though. I want to make sure everything has enough room to grow.
Sorry this was a follow up to the rock looking really good for large fish such as angels and tangs. I forgot to quote it first.


New Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
My nephew likes my tank he is only 1 and he likes to set on my knee and look at it or he will stand at it and look. He is a curios kid. He may not like it now but he will eventually see a fish he likes even at that age and want it lol. Try to get something he likes that will get him into it fast lol.

Taylor really likes the clown fish, which he insists on naming Nemo and Marlin! He loves to look at the fish in the store. It is just at home that he doesn't have quite as much interest in. Although the serpent star came out the other night during feeding and Taylor wouldn't quit screaming about the octopus-until I told him what it really was. Apparently that is now the coolest thing in our tank! It will be nice though to, hopefully, be able to share this hoby with him in the future.


Active Member
Hey we were wondering about that does the glue work? Is it going to cause problems if we need to move the rock for whatever purpose? or does it come off pretty easy?
No it wont cause a problem alot of ppl do it. Alot of ppl also drill holes in the rock and zip tie them together.
Taylor really likes the clown fish, which he insists on naming Nemo and Marlin! He loves to look at the fish in the store. It is just at home that he doesn't have quite as much interest in. Although the serpent star came out the other night during feeding and Taylor wouldn't quit screaming about the octopus-until I told him what it really was. Apparently that is now the coolest thing in our tank! It will be nice though to, hopefully, be able to share this hoby with him in the future.
Yeah its always nice to see someone interested in the tank. In my house its really only me my dad looks at it every now and then but I do most of everything and am most interested.