ideas for stocking 75g FOWLR?


New Member
Hey guys, I am in the process of buying all the equipment necessary for a 75g FOWLR. I bought a RODI unit from Filterguys, I have two 200 watt stealth heaters, and a single stage Ranco temp controller. I need a skimmer still, no sump, so probably a Remora pro. I got a 29g tank for QT etc. I bought a satellite PC fixture 130W I think. Will end up getting about 90lbs of Fiji LR. Have 60lbs of LS. Looking for some stocking suggestions. Im looking for color and good looks. I was thinking
5 green chromis
1 royal gramma
two clowns(the common tank raised ones)
eventually a coral beauty angel
somekind of goby as well.
I look at the stock, and think that I still need a centerpiece fish or something, not sure the dwarf angel will do, but who knows. Also will get various snails, an emerald crab, sally lightfoot, couple cleaner shrimp, and a coral banded shrimp. Any advice about what to add or take out? Thanks Is that fully stocked, I have no clue?


I would take out the coral banded shrimp, for a centerpiece fish i would say yellow or kole tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by buffalonative
Hey guys, I am in the process of buying all the equipment necessary for a 75g FOWLR. I bought a RODI unit from Filterguys, I have two 200 watt stealth heaters, and a single stage Ranco temp controller. I need a skimmer still, no sump, so probably a Remora pro. I got a 29g tank for QT etc. I bought a satellite PC fixture 130W I think. Will end up getting about 90lbs of Fiji LR. Have 60lbs of LS. Looking for some stocking suggestions. Im looking for color and good looks. I was thinking
5 green chromis
1 royal gramma
two clowns(the common tank raised ones)
eventually a coral beauty angel
somekind of goby as well.
I look at the stock, and think that I still need a centerpiece fish or something, not sure the dwarf angel will do, but who knows. Also will get various snails, an emerald crab, sally lightfoot, couple cleaner shrimp, and a coral banded shrimp. Any advice about what to add or take out? Thanks Is that fully stocked, I have no clue?

Coral beauty would be a great center piece I think. Or maybe a foxface. Just remember to go very slow. You couls a a serpent or brittle star, they are fun to feed and good clean up


New Member
I have a 75g with almost the same stock:
4 green chromis
1 royal gramma
1 dwarf coral beauty
2 tank raised clowns
1 fire shrimp
3 cleaner shrimp
Several snails and crabs
Everyone gets along well and none of them seem to be aggressive. I had a sally lightfoot but I haven't seen her in a while. My next addition will probably be a goby or 2 bangaii cardinals. The coral beauty makes a nice centerpiece fish, and the school of chromis add lots of movement.


New Member
Yeah!!! This sounds like what I might wind up with!! I'm in the slow process of getting a 75 gallon FOWLR too. The fish you both have listed are the exact same ones I'm thinking about!! Even though the bangaii cardinals don't have the brightness the other fish do, they are so interesting to look at.
I originally had planned a yellow tang, but after doing research here, I've realized a 75 gallon wouldn't be big enough for it. I would like a yellow fish in my tank, so I'm still wondering about that (maybe a yellow goby?). Of course, it's going to be awhile before I even get the tank, but it doesn't hurt to look at all the gorgeous fish now!!
OnefishTwofish, have you posted some pictures of your tank? I sure would like to see it!!