Ideas/on 120 gallon!?


New Member
I recently bought a 120 gallon saltwater tank and so far I have a snowflake eel, a puffer, and a wrasse. What else can I safely put in there. I want a shark and some more color in the tank.
Also will that puffer eat plants or sea anemones if I get them? :confused:


Active Member
no shark in there. way to small of an aquarium for one of them. a puffer will eat all plants, corals, etc. what type of puffer and wrasse do you have? you cant have a trigger in there because it will kill the puffer. as for another fish, you could lok into smaller groupers such as blueline, hogfish, maybe an h. tusk, hamlets, etc. do some reasearch and look under the fo section under books, i suggest checking out some of those. hth, bo


My vote is to add a lionfish to that group...although some may say that is too close to overstocking.


One more thing. For what it's worth...
Is your tank is fully cycled? Do you quarantine fish one at a time before you add them for at least a few weeks, and space out additions once a month or so? It is good practice for people to take the whole setup & adding of fish slow & resist the urge to do it all at once. Will save you from having a tank of soo-shee by the end of the month.


if this is an established tank i would vote for a black lionfish too.
however, you said you "recently bought" the 120.
how long has it been up and running/cycled? how much LR/LS do you have?
did you use the LR/LS to cycle?
do you have a skimmer/other method of filtration?
what are your current water perameters?
we need more info...


New Member
If I were you I would add a black or red volitan lionfish, a grouper, or other aggressive fish, as long as there not triggers. Good Luck.


Hey Trigguhmasta, what do you keep in your aquarium? I noticed you have a 55 and was looking for ideas. thanks