Ideas on a first fish


My tank has been cycled for a couple weeks now and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what my first fish should be. I have a thirty gallon tank with a 15gal sump and a 10 gal fuge. I am looking for something that is not too shy and really colorful. I am thinking of puting a maroon clown in at some point, so it has to be able to live in a tank with the clown. The clown will probably be the last to go in. Thanks in advance for any help.


Active Member
Is it going to be a reef? If so, I have a 30g reef upstairs and love my selection of fish. I originally wanted a maroon clown, but they get aggressive. Instead, I picked up two tank raised percula clowns and am really glad I did. They brighten the tank up more than a maroon would have, and aren't aggressive at all.
My first fish was a purple firefish, and he is still doing great. Very colorful and is normally swimming out in front of his "cave" right in the front of the tank.
I also just put a sixline wrasse in and am very pleased with it as of now. Lots of personality and very colorful.


That is interesting because I moved about three months ago and had to get rid of everything in my tank, but before I moved I had percs and a six line. I loved those fish. My sixline took a jump out of the tank though and into fish heaven. I was very sad.
It will be a reef tank. Right now I just have a small clean up crew, about twenty pounds of lr and some pretty massive lighting. I am hoping to have some clams and sps. That will be way down the road though.


Active Member
If I could throw in my $.02 the purple fire fish is a great idea, I have one in my main display tank and he's interesting as anything I've seen.......and very peaceful too.


Thanks for the suggestions. I think a purple firefish would be really cool too. The only problem I can see is that they are pretty expensive and if my tank has any problems at the begining they might not make it. I don't forsee any problems, but you know how this hobby is. Ary they very hardy? I have never had one, so I don't know.


Active Member
I would recommend any type of blenny. They are pretty hardy fish and they all have their own personality.


Active Member
my favorite and first fish is a purple fire fish. he has made it through ich, velvet, tank changes, even fin rot, poor fishy

we lost everything in our tank to to velvet in the begining and he is the only thing that not only made it but showed no signs of a problem. They also do great in pairs
now he is healthy as ever and seems very happy for about the last year. so yes IMO they are hardy


I have a Royal Gramma and a GM Clown in a 30 cube and they are quite content. A Bicolor Blenny, Sixline Wrasse, or some type of Hawkfish would all do alright in a 30 Gallon. Also, there are Dottybacks, but they can be super nasty.


I was thinking about a dottyback with the maroon because they can both be aggressive, but would a firefish be OK with those guys? I am only looking for maybe three to five fish total in the tank.


A pygmy would be fine in a 30, bearing in mind that it might be a little too nice for a GM. Currently, my GM shows no signs of aggression, but it is still pretty small. When you get it, it might help to get one that is smaller than its tankmates.


I was thinking I would get the clown last so that all the other fish would have there teriotory and the clown wouldn't be as likely to be teritorial.


Active Member
You could, it's a personal opinion. I've never had a maroon clown, try searching around on the boards a bit searching for people that have had them and read up on them - can't hurt.
I started with my purple firefish... I felt sorta bad about it because the LFS got him in and thought he was dead. His fins were in horrible condition and well, he was almost to the point of a not-so-purple firefish. I cycled with live rock and a shrimp, and the darn thing did great and is thriving now. I got him for free too :D .
Also, I saw hawkfish mentioned above, I haven't had any, but I think the fish are great. I have never tried one, but everytime I see them they follow you around with their eyes and just seem to have a ton of personality.