Ideas on fish


New Member
Hi i currently own a 28 gallon thats been running for over a year. I had a marroon clown fish and a striped dogface puffer. They had been fine together for months and then suddenly i noticed bite marks on the clown and he has been chewed up so much that he swims sideways and upside down and appears to be on his way out : ( . I went to my LFS and they said they would offer me a credit and take the puffer fish based on its condition and size. But i would like ideas on what fish would be good to get the puffer ate most of my clean up crew. I have a seperpeant starfish and some hermit crabs left. I would like any ideas on fish that would be less aggressive then the puffer. I was thinking of getting 1 maybe 2 percula clowns, a firefish and duno what else. i really would love to get a clown and an anenome but have no clue how to care for the anenome an maybe some corals. any ideas of nicee lookin colorful fish?? Thanks.


if i was u i would look at creating the nice environment before putting any fish in, well thats me b/c i owned fish before and now im just out of my mind for corals and such, what kind of light u have on the 28 and we can see if we can tell u a couple of nice coarls and a other softies u can get, then if i was u just have 1 pair of clown fish (because u like them so much) which might host ur coral and then some nice small reef safe fish b/c they r nice and very enjoyable in the long run.


If you want fish that are less aggresive than the puffer then i would recommend a pseudochromis or an angel. You could probably get a coral beauty angel in there (beautiful fish!) or another goby like a yellow watchman goby, who are also cool, some other fish are blennies and cardinals.
What kind of lighting do you have to support an anemone?