Identification of creatures(inverts)


I posted an article like this before on this board along time ago(months) and thought I would re-post incase anyone may know.
I have 2 unidentified creatures in my tank(30gals,20#'s of LR-monano)
1)On the glass of my tank I have about ton of very very small snails. They are all white. The largest I've seen is about the size of a pin head. They seem to have one spiral shape,starting from the center spiraling outward...They are hard to get off glass They seem to congregate in the back corners and sides of the tank.
2)I also have about 30-45 SLUGS of some sort. The colors of the slugs range from light tan to dark brown to black to even a dark purple! They have 2 antenna in the front, and a snail like mouth. On their backs they have a weird round type of bump or something. It's kinda hard to explain. There is NO frilly growth or anything. They look like a garden slug but smaller and with a hump on the back.
These guys BALL up in the day time and at dusk they come out. These guys are nocturnal as far as I can tell. Some come out during the day, usually the smaller ones. They forage during the night and when the lights come on they either dissappear from veiw or ball up.
I've looked around alot 4 the possible names of these creatures but have come up empty handed. Does anyone happen to know what they are?
It was suggested that #1 may be Vertimid Snails. Does anyone know? Or haev a picture so that I can verify? Thanks alot


They could be a worm...I need to get a magnifying glass

They dont move, and as far as I can tell I dont believe them to be vermitid either. 1) because they dont shoot out mucus and they really arent a "tube".
As far as the slugs they eat the algae, and are reefsafe. I don't ahve any problem with them. Except I want to know what they are. They also have an underside like my turbo snails, dont know about astrea snails becuase I've never had them before.