Identification Please?


We've had this piece for several months now and still don't really know what it is. It was sold to us as Frogspawn, the first coral we ever got. But every single picture of Frogspawn I've seen sure doesn't look like this! There are similarities in the tentacles, so we figured maybe we just have an off colored one. But we recently moved it to our new tank and it's loving life. Now it extends it's tentacles in one section farther out that we've ever seen...much farther!...and now it looks much less like Frogspawn. It was 5 heads on a branch when we got it, we split it into 2 and 3 when we moved it.
Any ideas? :notsure:
Also, we'd be willing to trade the 2 headed piece now. I've never shipped, that makes me nervous, so I would prefer a local trade in Central NJ if possible. We're looking for bright colored and relatively easy to care for.



Originally Posted by ReefNut
Can you get a closer pic?? Looks like a torch coral to me??
Not the best, but as close as the digital will let me get.
Thanks for your time!



Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Its definately a frogspawn, mine is a different color but the tentacles are the same.

No way, really?? Wow, the color is so different from anything else I've seen though. Does that look normal to anyone? Is it sick? It's never hinted at any green, only the pink with a slight pearly irridescense (sp?) to it.
Forgot to mention - as far as the polyp extension goes mine was approx 6 inches from one of my powerheads and last week had to move the powerhead because the frogspawn had extended so much it was sucked up into it.


Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Forgot to mention - as far as the polyp extension goes mine was approx 6 inches from one of my powerheads and last week had to move the powerhead because the frogspawn had extended so much it was sucked up into it.
WOW! That sounds gorgeous! Does the whole head extend that far? Out of the 5 different heads we have, only 2 extend much at all...and only the one as far as I showed in the pix, and just a section of it.
Wondering if there is something else we can be doing for it to make it happier? It's beautiful and we really do love them. Just always wondered if we actually had what we thought we had.
We'd like to trade the 2 headed piece. But I won't offer it to someone if it's not in the best shape it could be. These forums are such a great way to learn, meet people in the hobby and to exchange pieces. We've not traded yet, but look forward to that very much. THis would be the only piece that we could offer up yet. Most of our others are too small to do anything with. Though we do have a red mushroom and some blue striped ones that we could share. They've climbed off the "mother" rock where the larger ones are about 2 inches in diameter.
Mine seem to like good water flow, the average extension is about 2-3 inches for the most part. I actually have two pieces one with two heads and the other has just one. But it is one of my favorites. This pic is the single head frogspawn dont have a current pic of the double its in the back of the tank and hard to photograph with my cheapy camera.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sorcha
Wondering if there is something else we can be doing for it to make it happier? It's beautiful and we really do love them. Just always wondered if we actually had what we thought we had.
You can feed them meaty foods like mysis shrimp, krill, enriched brine, etc. They can get sugars through photosynthesis for energy, but they need nitrogen from extra feedings for tissue production. This'll help them grow longer tentacles and faster asexual reproduction via budding or binary fission.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
You can feed them meaty foods like mysis shrimp, krill, enriched brine, etc. They can get sugars through photosynthesis for energy, but they need nitrogen from extra feedings for tissue production. This'll help them grow longer tentacles and faster asexual reproduction via budding or binary fission.
Just to clarify, you would do this through target feeding? We've tried to get it to eat mysis and brine, but the only thing we've ever seen it actually pull in was some flake.
Thanks so much to you both, Viper & Dragonladylea...I appreciate your time and input!