

I was wondering if you guys could answer a couple of questions for me. The first one is concerning my Ric. I was wondering if it looked 'droopy' to anyone else.

If so, what should I do.
The second thing is this. I have this Star Shaped thing that is coming out of a tube/the sand right below where I have that Ric sitting. What on earth is it? Sorry for the fuzzyness, but I can't focus on such a small thing with my camera. But I think the picture gives sufficient likeness for you guys. Thanks!


It has that shape I guess, but it "sucks" itself back to nothing like a feather duster or something. Its crazy.
Thanks for the info on the ric though, I'll stop worrying :)


yeah ric looks fine they can go through periods of deflation where they dont open up as much and then come back full later. Just keep an eye on it if it doesnt open fully in a few days then it might be something else. run your tests just to make sure the water is where it needs to be though as a saftey net.
the other isnt a brittle star not sure what it is really because you said that its coming out of a tube in the sand. looks similar to a apistia but rules that out pretty much because its coming out of a tube. just keep an eye on it but I thinkits going to be some sort of tube worm.